Even with the high expectations I had heading into my externship, my experience with Doctor Vessa proved to be greater than I imagined it would be. Doctor Vessa made sure my schedule for the week included as much as possible, reaching out to other surgeons he knew so that I could see even more than originally planned. This meant that instead of just seeing spine surgeries, I was able to see knee operations, intestinal scopes, a hip replacement, and even see clinic patient care with multiple different doctors. The experience was like nothing I had ever done, and I left Friday being absolutely sure that I wanted my career to be in healthcare.
During my week I witnessed some unbelievable operations that were both jaw dropping, the hip replacement, and unbelievably technical, the cervical procedure. It was incredible to see everything in action and to watch everyone in the operating room working together seamlessly. I was able to spend some time talking with sales reps from numerous medical device companies, an industry I am very interested in. They were more than happy to talk to me about their career path, job details, and gave me plenty of advice about the industry as a whole.

Spending time with different surgeons, all in different fields of expertise was awesome and gave me the chance to truly understand the many directions that I could go in. It was cool to stand in on the patient care at each surgeon’s personal clinic. I was able to see patients coming in with new injuries, some that were partway through various treatments, and then many who were recovering from recent operations. It was cool to see the relationship that the doctors had with their patients, you could tell that the patients really liked the surgeons and were very thankful for how they were healing them. The surgeons all told me the same thing about their job, and that is that they loved it. The physicians told me numerous times about how rewarding it is for them to see a new patient come into their office in serious pain, and through months of treatment, be able to heal them and watch them leave happy and ready to continue their lives. This week was unlike anything I’ve ever participated in and isn’t something I’ll soon forget. After a couple years of studying health science, being able to see everything I’ve learned in action outside of the textbook reassured me that my hours of studying would one day be put in action in great ways. I loved my externship experience and recommend it to anyone interested in Healthcare.
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